Prizes & Contests

We love that you’re playing in our launch. All partners love prizes and games… even if at first they’re not a fan of leaderboards.

So, to make it fun for everyone there will be opportunities available for partners to win cool shizz.

Contests and drawings will be posted here as we announce them.

Leads Contest Top 10 Rewards:

There are a lot of fun surprises coming down the pike. Not to be a tease, but I want to announce the Top 10 Rewards for the Leads Contest that runs through Monday, Feb. 24th at 12pm Pacific.

  1. $3,000
  2. $1,500
  3. $800
  4. $500
  5. $250
  6. $150
  7. Drawing entry for $100 Amazon Card
  8. Drawing entry for $100 Amazon Card
  9. Drawing entry for $100 Amazon Card
  10. Drawing entry for $100 Amazon Card
