Archive My JV Leaderboard Secrets

Strategies to rock this launch…

Decide how much money you are going to make and which prizes you want! Why not go big? It’s the same amount of effort and very energizing and fun.

Decide how you will spend that money. “See” yourself experiencing the positive impact of winning amazing prizes and spending those commission checks.

Brainstorm ideas to crush it during the launch that will help you nail your target. Get out of your box. Get CRAZZZY. It’s fun.

Map out your mailing dates based on my launch plan. Be sure to mail several times once cart opens and a couple of times on cart close day. You may worry about mailing a lot…don’t. 😉

When cart opens give rockstar bonuses. Point out why it goes so well with ProfitQuest. Highlight the value and outcomes.

Don’t have one? Create one! Give a mastermind, VIP day, scripts from classes, programs, live events, 1:1 sessions, promote them, hook them up with another rockstar. Partner with someone else to create something new. Do not be afraid to give away bonuses worth more than the program. I’ve given away more than $10k in bonuses when promoting a partner’s $1k program.

Tweak the swipe copy. Change up the subject lines. Add your own flavor. Give your own testimonials about me or my content…from the heart. Add a story. Add a tip. Make ‘em even juicer. Trust Inner Guidance.

Mail several extra times to anyone who hasn’t opened, or just to the people who’ve clicked through previously.

Post one of my articles in your ezine and/or blog with your affiliate link at the bottom.

Give a bonus to those that optin through your link.

Facebook ads. Did you know that you can upload your mailing list to FB and promote to your peeps there?

Put prelaunch freebies on your website in the space where your normal optin is.

Do an exit pop from your site to my prelaunch page.

Ask colleagues to mail with your link for a piece of the pie, do it for them in the future or just as a favor.

Have fun! Stress repels sales. Your tribe will go nuts and buy, buy, buy when you have fun promoting PQ and engage in the prelaunch material yourself.

Check out the 2015 leaderboard …

Final Sales Leaderboard

1. Justin and Callan
– $10,000 cash
– Sedona Soul Adventure
– Private virtual session with our courtesan (yum!)
– Top 3 partner waterski weekend on the Delta
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

2. Christian Mickelsen
– Private Forejour concert (for JV Summit?!)
– Top 3 partner waterski weekend on the Delta
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

3. Bill Baren
– 1:1 mastermind with Joan Lynch, Emmy Award
winning producer
– Top 3 partner waterski weekend on the Delta
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

4. Kate and Melinda
– Wine for a year! (Red, white or both?)
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

5. Beth Grant
– Ipad mini w/ wifi
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

6. Rich and Milana
– Apple Watch
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

7. Christine Kloser
– Coolest Cooler
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

8. Kim Clausen
– Coach wallet
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

9. Michele PW
– Live scribe pen
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

10. Lisa Sasevich
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

11. Christina Hills
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

12. John Eggen
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

13. Michelle Schubnel
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

14. Eva Gregory
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

15. Sharon Wilson
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

16. Barb Wade
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

17. Lisa Cherney
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

18. Marie Flora Peterson
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

19. Mary Allen
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan

20. Patricia Missakian
– Top 20 partner virtual evening with courtesan


FINAL OPT IN Leaderboard

1. Justin and Callan

VIP evening with Emmy award-winning executive producer, Joan Lynch, at the Soho House in Hollywood. I’m also going balls out for your launch.

2. Bill Baren

VIP evening with Emmy award-winning executive producer, Joan Lynch, at the Soho House in Hollywood. You’ll also be a guest expert in ProfitQuest, make an offer and I take zero commission.

3. Christian Mickelsen

VIP evening with Emmy award-winning executive producer, Joan Lynch, at the Soho House in Hollywood. You’ll be added to the auto responder for my freebies, on my resource page and my handouts.

4. Lisa Sasevich
5. Milana and Rich
6. Christina Hills
7. Christine Kloser
8. John Eggen
9. Michelle Schubnel
10. Kate and Melinda

A big thanks to ALL of you! I see your efforts whether you’re on the leaderboard or not!

I depend on my inner game when I really care about being a profitable JV partner. When your eye is focused on the desired end game your Inner Business Expert kicks in and will give you highly creative marketing strategies, attractive copy and genius ideas for bonuses to entice peeps to buy through your affiliate link.

Questions? Contact Kim: partners @